Strategic Plan

In October of 2021, the Strategic Planning Committee, comprised of faculty, 工作人员, and student representation, presented a revised strategic plan that was approved by the Board of Regents and the President of Wisconsin Lutheran College.

The Core Values upon which the Courageously Christian Strategic Plan was founded are listed first, followed by the strategic goals.

Core Values

The Strategic Planning Committee identified five core values to guide strategy development, planning, and decision making at Wisconsin Lutheran College.


Rooted in the person and work of Christ, motivated by the gospel, and shaped by the enduring Word of God, we strive to instruct and nurture students in the Christian faith as summarized by the Lutheran Confessions, imbuing all aspects of academics and student life with greater meaning and purpose.


We give students the knowledge and skills they need to be creative and critical thinkers and effective communicators delivered through experiential and discovery-based learning, innovative teaching and mentoring relationships with highly qualified Christian teaching faculty, and an academically rigorous curriculum.


We strive to identify and nurture the individual gifts of our students, so they perceive their life’s work not merely as a career but as an important part of God’s work in the world. 


We find fulfillment in employing our time and talents to improve the lives of our colleagues and our students, collaborating with them to positively impact the world around us and to extend God’s kingdom under the Spirit’s blessing.


As Christ modeled leadership through service to others, so we understand, embrace, and model for our students the responsibility of stewarding the influence we wield through our relationships with others, taking care to humbly serve God’s purposes in this world and for eternity.

Strategic Goals